One night at my parents' place, I cleaned my ears with two cotton swabs right before going to bed. The swabs
became all yellow from the ear wax. I placed them on the nightstand, and the next morning, I put them into
the pocket of my pyjama pants in order to throw them away.
Yesterday, I pulled out my pyjamas from the washing machine. I had forgotten to throw the cotton swabs away.
The washing machine had cleaned them thoroughly, they looked great.
blabla bla bla.. bla bla. bla bla, but hey, bla bla blablabla? Grz...
My take on X:My take on everything right now: X
(My take on everthing right now: cringe. My take on drawing little drawings with everything that's going on atm: cringe. Cringe having become my take on
things that used to be fun because of everything that's going on atm: apparently also cringe.)
Trying to formulate a differenciated take, but I don't want to scare rundgang people away. Welcome!
Okay and then this mood of being driven by outer forces, The Bureaucratic Forces, and you just need to go through all this shit, writing contracts and
reading them (cringe), working money-job, applying for shit, finishing this, finishing that, throwing away all your crap... (cringe)
Sometimes I am really excited to leave. Sometimes I am sad about the reasons why. Sometimes I wanna kill That Fucker. (just kidding :p) Right now I feel like a little
robot that is here to fulfill bureaucratic tasks. And I have three arms. Left, right, cola. I never spill it though. I am careful. Careful and content and really done for
Addendum: My next project is writing a book. A teenage book with illustrations. My next project is shooting an aesthetic vibe video blog. My next project is finding the love of my life and never leaving the bed again. My next project is building a little house in the woods. My next project is making X come while we drive down a lonely road in a car at night. My next project is wearing the same outift 300 days a year with an appropriate amount of laundry days in between. My next project is rebuilding ass and lats. My next project is finding a kinder approach to the world. My next project is making a lame show with a white cubical pedestral in a white cube. My next project is pretending I am someone else. My next project is finding a way to do more of what I want. Ok