
Homework of 2020

- Art: send photos attest
- Submission art
- Bonn!
- Prepare project week
- Project week
- Off school. Meet in front of school at 11
- Presentation projects
- Exams?
- Cinema 10.30 school
- R. 202 open house XvX 11-14
- Kant: Aesthetics
- Green Paper!
- Uni M. meet at 9
- Bring shoes for V.!
- Math: AB
- German: list of poems
- English: speech
- Get backpack from THW
- History: EVA a) b) c)
- Start English A-Levels
- English: speeches
- Russian: page 72 Nr. 7
- English exam
- Ethics exam
- Four perspectives miniature model art
- Russian Exam 5th+6th lesson
   Игок 3+4a
   Voc. 3, possessive pr. superlative, conjugations
- German: materials romanticism
- English: nr. 4 AB
- Art: 1)
- Math: AB 6 b)
- Free
- Free
- History exam
   Peaceful revolution
   Reasons (pol. soc. econ.)
   USSR collapse
   End of the east-west-conflict
   10 point plan
   Round table
   Foreign countries
- German exam
- Compare experiences of Muslim Americans after 9/11 to Muslim UK
+ school vertificate
- English folder R.
- Art: interior drawing
- English: correction
- Art exam
- Math: AB hypothesis test
- English: correctioncomparison last week
- Math exam
   Shadow cast
   Hypothesis test
- History: 2+4 research contract
- Start English A-Levels
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- –
- –
- English A-Levels
- Study day
- –
- Art A-Levels
- Study day
   Materials: compass, fineliner, pencils, glue, scissors, oil pastels
- –
- Study day
- Start ethics A-Levels
- –
- –
- –
- –
- Ethics A-Levels
- –
- –
- Biology exam?
- Art: "Ich und meine Welt" Collage after Kandinsky or picture
- R. project
- Book return 11.10
- Oral exams?
- Book return
- Oral
- Math A-Levels 12 prep
- German A-Levels 10.30 prep

January 1

Got told that I'm supposed to stay in this street forever. Weird at first, but I went to The Swimming Pool and when I was in the water, it was suddenly okay.

Another dream in the middle of the day; lying on a lounger by a pond or a lake. I am not allowed to leave The Island ever again. I am there with X.

January 3

Move D.

January 5


Week 1

Earrings. Sick, more appetite. No sports bc sick

January 9

D. visits

Week 2

No sports bc sick. Read Ery

January 11

January 17


January 18


January 18

G. visits

January 22


January 24


Week 4

Tax Number Painting, Banana T

February 2

L. Get mirror.

February 15

D. Klatsch

April 21

E.-update: xxx xx bla bla xx

May 1

Went to school yesterday. Sad to know that this is past now without having had the chance to say goodbye.

May 9

E. diagram
x-y-z-a-b -> big arrow -> big slanted arrow

May 11

Will miss Someone. Would like to spend every second with Someone.

May 16


Found out my tax number today: 37469148920

May 18

Got a purchase offer for my pink pyjama - I will reject the offer because I wanna keep it.

May 19

Missed a Whatsapp video call with my future roommates. I texted them that I was sorry and that this was unusual for me, but they didn't answer any further.
Questions to the group:

May 21

1. A non-vegan snack (Kinderriegel?), not pleasing.
2. Prom on June 27. Cannot remember how the exams went. Got a 3 in math.
3. In a big swimming pool. I lose my ring and swim back to find it, but all I get is miniature sunglasses.

May 23

At LD again for work, terrible. Stressful and free from any fun without my colleagues. I wish it was like it used to be just for a short time again.

May 25

My oral exams.

June 2

Ate tomato sauce with cream today.

June 4

No school ever again! I made it!
Have to wait two more hours for the results.

June 7


June 10

Latest return day routing slip XvX

June 11

Wondering if the train has left the station already. (Which train?)

June 20

Certificate with gold and roses, funny quotes from my metalhead friends and a plane ticket to Tokyo in the back.

June 22

Argument with I. Finally told her how much I hate her, but she kept being nice.

Haven't had any G. since Thursday. Craving. M. is now coming to get me some.

June 23

June 24

Dreamt of water. I was in a house circled by pool water and had to swim out to get to my vacation. L. came to bring me my laptop, but she just threw it in the water. Woke up relieved.

July 1

Goodbye party was beautiful. So many people came. L. gifted me a book. T. gifted me needles. L. made the best gift ever.
Distance hurts even more now. To L. To my family.

July 2

First dream in a new home is supposed to become true - L., L., J.

July 3

Dreamt that my first dream after moving to my new home was about L.'s death and that she actually died after.

July 4

Just took a two-hour-nap right after breakfast.
Wanna write a letter to L.

July 5

Had the weirdest dream in forever.
Went by coach with a group from school. We got lost and ended up at the lowest point on earth. (The rest didn't age well) We found ourselves in a super cold and dark forest and were welcomed by some creepy people. We were told that the largest weapons arsenal in the world was located here, with a wall length of 1000 meters.
We were supposed to stay there and pray in that dark room like in a monastery. I didn't feel like it, so I went to the shisha bar next door, always staying close to the wall at the edge of the room.
Later, all of us were confused and wondering what was going on. L. created the theory that this was a "rememberance center" for RB Leipzig, so that after the "Bang 2012", good moments could be preserved and not only short memories taken out of context.
Somehow we could get away. We went to the dark shisha bar again, which looked exactly like the weapons arsenal, to collect the other children. Many of them were poison green in the face and suddenly exploded. I was told that the radioactive radiation behind the white line on the floor at the edge of the room was too high to survive. I knew that I had been behind that line at some point, but somehow, nothing happened to me.
I found T. and L. and we drove up by car. I was very scared, but T. was a skilled driver, even though he would only get his driver's license a day after.

Which reminds me of another scene I dreamt right before, not sure if it somehow depicts the beginning of the dream or an independent one.
I was driving down B. street with Someone when I had a terrible accident in which they died. I was too small to press down the clutch and could thus neither change the gear nor hit the break fast enough, but instead I drove faster and faster.
When I told the other Someone about Someone's death, they thought I was just joking. As soon as they realized I was telling the truth, I woke up.

July 9

Dreamt of losing my ring again.

July 11

During portfolio consulting, some woman whispered in my ear that my portfolio is supposed to "flash" people. Thereupon, I went to a dark cave with D. and L., smeared my body with bright colours and performed eccentric and sexual gestures on my knees.

Thinking about that coked up waiter at L'Angolo d'Italia.

July 14

Day X

July 16

Standing in a parterre apartment that X. wants to rent. They want me to move in. I am going to sleep in the hallway and they are going to sleep in the passage room to the living room. When I ask them where Y. is going to sleep, he enters together with Z. Z. asks them whether they are on their way to a date again.
Turns out X. and Y. broke up without telling me.

July 17

Day X and a 3 page long list of objects I am going to buy for my new apartment. (Never bought any of this)
Sensed a big mass today while m. Practice is getting better.

July 18

In an abandoned factory with D., L. and L. Lots of people were working there in their own small shops, but as soon as it was announced that Mr. W. was going to come, everyone disappeared. D. and I wanted to hide in a small room with leaning walls, but he would have seen us everywhere. Once he even came our way and told us that if we didn't leave soon, he would be going to kill us.

July 20

Week 29

D.'s shift schedule
Mo: late
Tu: early, Fang
We: early
Th: late
Fr: late

July 30

At Mr. G's party with some people from W. An awkward atmosphere in his loft. Guy with the tired eyes from The Slaughterhouse was also there.

July 31

Looking forward to moving to my first own apartment. I need control.

August 2

Hoping that the people I think about every day don't think that I forgot them.

Week 32

- Sew top
- Housing allowance
- Tina certificate
- Keyboard
- Fleece KK
- Sew belt
- Coconut oil
- Glue memories
- Search books
- Digitalize memories and print and glue photos
- Listen to music
- Print tickets
- Water bath plant

August 4

Is it crazy to write down all these thoughts? I don't even know why I am doing this and what I am going to do with all these books. When should I throw them away? Why try to let go of all this stuff on the one hand and yet still produce this big amount of paper every day?
On the other hand, these diaries probably leave less of a trace than the Internet.

August 14

In an apartment which is completely filled with water. There is a hatch connected to the basement. I am supposed to pull the plug, but I don't dare. Worried that the surrounding rooms will be wet for the next nine months.
Looking forward to go to W. again.

August 17

Non-vegan sesame balls.

August 19

September 20

September 22

Bring Lufthansa socks

Week 40

- Call L.
- Modules
- Study fee?
- Certificate of study family office
- Bafög
- Pile
- Check books
- Lufthansa socks

October 18


October 19

T. 13

October 28

Last entry of this year. About how stuff is. Next one is February 21 2021.

November 7

November 12

November 25

December 6

No Key ---